Höhere Bildung: Higher Education

German Language Training

German universities, renowned in history, especially for their great contributions to learning in the 19th and early 20th centuries.It Increasing student numbers and changing social conditions have put severe pressure on the traditional structures of universities, taxing them beyond their capabilities and accustomed functions. Today, it is impossible for students to take up studies as long as they want to complete them or move from university to university. A few specialized private universities were established.

There has also been considerable debate about funding education. To meet the growing demand for higher education, the number of universities has also increased. Entirely new academic universities were added to the ranks of ancient institutions, and the technical, educational, and artistic status of institutes and colleges was elevated to university rank. Meanwhile, new technical institutions created the Fachhochschule, a highly technical college specializing in a single discipline such as engineering, architecture, design, art, agriculture, and business administration. It is not much different in prestige whether a student studied at Heidelberg, founded in 1386, or the University of Hagen, founded in 1976.

German universities

Among the leading universities in Germany are Humboldt University of Berlin (founded 1809–10. Free University of Berlin (founded 1948). University of Cologne (founded 1388). Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt (founded 1914) . University of Göttingen (founded 1737), University of Leipzig (founded 1409), and University of Tübingen (founded 1477). At the beginning of the twenty-first century, there were more than 300 universities equivalent rank in Germany.
The approximate equivalent of a bachelor’s degree is a diploma. Some consider this degree equivalent to an American master’s degree. A very large number of students also earn degrees in technical schools. A small number of institutions are beginning to offer American-style bachelor’s degrees.

German language

Germany offers free education with a stipend for those who can master the German language well. Winspire Academy’s German language study program will enable you to do just that.

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