German Vocational Training (Ausbildung)

In order to be able to practice in Germany, a visa, schooling level and knowledge of the language are required. In which category can you do professional training? You can find more information about it here.

What training am I interested in?

It is up to you to choose. Currently, young people in Germany can choose between approximately 350 different dual training occupations. You should choose the most suitable one. For that you should first think about your interests and skills. What school subjects do you like? Do you enjoy working with other people?Whether you want to work in front of a computer or operate heavy machinery or technical equipment, once you have an idea of ​​what you need, you can start looking for the right internship. A good way to get an overview of vocationaltraining is to visit websites. Note that both are only available in German.If you want to get a brief explanation of some of the occupations offered in the vocational training system, you can read the Most Demanded Professions section. You may have the opportunity to find out about and accept career options.

Do you already know what training interests you? If so, it’s time to look for a position and apply. Depending on your chosen profession, you can search various exchanges for training places on the Internet. You can find training places in many professions and many companies throughout Germany.If you are looking for specific information about vocationaltraining in the craft trades, with one click of the Chamber of Commerce’s available places, you can access the “Lehrstellenangebot” (offers) of the local job boards and search for training places in electronics or mechatronics.

Another good opportunity to get information about different professional courses is to visit career and training fairs. There you can connect with experts to know what kind of job training is right for you. Find the dates of different fairs.

Rights and Duties

In Germany, vocational training is regulated by law. This is to your advantage as these laws protect your rights. So, for example, in case of double training, your company is obliged to pay you a monthly salary and provide necessary training facilities,i.e. tools or safety devices. Also, the rules dictate that their effective activities in the company should be based on the objectives of their training. In other words, the company is obliged to transfer the knowledge necessary for the performance of their profession.


Obviously we’re going to have to learn some German for all of this. After all, German is spoken in companies and vocational schools. Some companies that train young people from other countries offer German courses or other help to learn German. Find out about the company’s offers when you apply. You can also take a German course while still in your home country. You can approach our Goethe-Institut for advice and contact points.

More information available for learning German can be found here.

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