Ielts Exam Preparation
1. Listening
40 Minutes (4 sections, 40 questions) Each Item is worth one mark
2. Reading (Academic & General)
60 Minutes (3 sections, 40 questions) Each Item is worth one mark
3. Writing (Academic & General)
IELTS Writing Consists of 2 tasks
60 Minutes (Task 1 – 150 words, Task 2 – 250 words )
4. Speaking
Speaking test is a face to face interaction between the candidate and an examiner.
The test is split into three total 11-14 minutes.
- Introduction/ interview: a few questions in 4 to 5 minutes.
- Short presentation: talk for 2 minutes with 1 minute to prepare.
- Discussion: around 5 questions in 4 to 5 minutes.