Ielts writing section

There are two Writing Section Tasks and BOTH must be completed. In Task 1, you have to describe some visual information in your own words (a graph, table, chart or diagram). You need to write at least 150 words in about 20 minutes.

What is the IELTS Writing Exam Pattern?

The IELTS Writing part comprises of two parts, and it has to be completed within one hour. In the first part i.e. IELTS writing task 1,  you will be given a task based on some graphic or pictorial information. It could be in the form of a bar chart, pie chart, table, graph, map, or diagram.

Preparation Tips for IELTS Writing Section

If you are taking the IELTS exam, it is never too early to start preparing. Many students have the opinion that since they can speak English reasonably well, not much preparation is required. Start off with the preparations at least 6 months before your intended test date.

Task 1

For IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, you are required to write a summary of a minimum of 150 words in response to a given graph (bar, line, or pie graph), table, chart, or process (how something works, how something is done). 

Task 2 

Although Writing Task 2 of the IELTS exam requires you to write a minimum of 250 words. 

Preparation Tips For One Week Before Your Test

The preparation strategy you take one week before the exam plays a crucial role in making or breaking your game. Below are some tips and tricks specific to the IELTS Writing section which you should follow one week before the exam. 

  • Read a lot of English. Read the papers. Listen to BBC news. Watch English serials. This will help you to register words, different kinds of sentence structures commonly used phrases, and so on. That being said, as mentioned above, refrain from learning anything new or difficult. 
  • Take 3-4 model tests. Try to understand how long the test is. Understand how long you should take in each section.
  • Stay healthy. If you are tired, you will not do your best. Sleep well, eat safely.
Writing Section

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