The best way to prepare for the IELTS exam

Ielts Exam

A systematic method to enhancing your Ielts- English language proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening is necessary when preparing for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam.

Take a practice test

Guide your preparation, by taking a practice test to begin with and identify your weaknesses.  

Most test-takers consider taking an IELTS preparation course, one of the easiest ways to approach the test, as it focuses solely on getting you exam-ready for IELTS. 

Understand the test format

Before your begin practising, it’s extremely important that you know what to expect of the test format.

 Familiarise yourself with it by reviewing the content of the test, as well as the question and task types for each section. 

Be aware of the exam time constraints

Conduct your preparation under timed conditions, so you become accustomed to the pace of the test.

 IELTS test has a time limit and you will only have the time given for each module.

Develop your English capabilities and IELTS strategies

One of the biggest mistakes students make is to focus only on IELTS.

They do lots of IELTS practice tests but they forget to improve their English.

Most Indonesian IELTS learners are unaware of their current English level, which is often Intermediate or below, and do not consider or forget that IELTS is an English proficiency test. 

Multitask when listening in English

It’s no secret that the IELTS test is demanding and the listening module is no different. You will have to provide answers to 40 questions throughout 4 recordings.

 The recordings will be played only once. Typical questions include sentence completion, summary completion, form completion and multiple choice.

Develop a wide range of reading skills

 Reading for gist, reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming, understanding logical argument, and recognising writers’ opinions, attitudes and purpose.

Use appropriate and assertive English terms when writing

The writing module is perhaps the one that most people struggle with. Both tasks in the academic training must be written in a formal style.

Task 1 requires that you describe and explain data, which you may be an expert at, this requires significant practice in English. 

Task 2 presents a number of challenges. Often, the topic given can be hard to develop if you are not familiar with it. 

Speak with fluency or coherence in direct communication

This test is less than 15 minutes long and is split into three parts. The first 5 minutes are reserved for introduction and general topics between the test taker and the examiner.

Immerse yourself in English

Expose yourself to as much language as you can alongside your test preparation. Read things that interest you in English, online magazines or blogs can be a great place to start. 

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